10NOV: Calendar Peek

A calendar featuring a dozen of this year's original prints, conceived and executed precisely to encourage coloring-in. I will probably hand out colored pencils to anyone who wants a set to go with their calendar.
A calendar featuring a dozen of this year’s original prints, conceived and executed precisely to encourage coloring-in. I will probably hand out colored pencils to anyone who wants a set to go with their calendar.

This is one of the projects I have been tending all year, and although it is not quite what I originally had in mind, I believe it is (a) better than no coloring-calendar at all, and (b) really not bad. Of course, it is easy to say that when it is so squinty like, in the proofing stage. Also, getting one calendar out there opens the door to another, and another. Aside from all the fevered calendarization*, I am also going full-steam on some other work. Still more glass ornaments in the works, more hand-coloring on original prints, doing a bit of safety and maintenance work on the display racks, and advancing the cause of having a proper cloth to cover my display table. Oh, and ‘enjoying’ a head cold, or at least magnificent sinus irritation, hoping that doesn’t turn into an infection. At least infections can be treated medically, instead of this chapped, blustery weathering the storm business…

A week from tomorrow night, instead of bowling with the usual league night fun, I will be doing load-in on that first event.  Yikes.

* FYI, I am using this word in a slightly off-definition way. I regret nothing, but I also am issuing a disclaimer about it. You might want to look it up before you use it, at least if you do not know what the hell I am on about here…

One thought on “10NOV: Calendar Peek”

  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I love your designs. They all say ‘color me’. Coffee, colored pencils, and your designs…..my ahhhhhh.

Tell me everything, darling!